Ryan Trahan

I Tested 1-Star Airlines

I crossed America with $0.01

I Tried Every Seat on the Most Expensive Train

I traveled 3,624 miles with €0.01

I Stayed in Secret Hotels

I Tested the Weirdest Amazon Items

I Tried Every Airbnb Category

I Actually Bought 100 Scam Ads

Frozen Sour Candy (ft. Ryan Trahan)

I Stayed in Luxury Tiny Homes

Solo Car Camping in -18 Degrees

I Stayed in Every Hotel at Disney World

I Tested 1-Star Camping

I Tested 1-Star Theme Parks

I Took a Road Trip in Luxury Cars

I Survived 24 Hours on Only Gold

I Tried Every Drive Thrus Most Expensive Item

I Stayed in “OMG!” Airbnbs

I Tested 1-Star Kitchen Gadgets (ft. Ryan Trahan)

I Tested 1-Star Hotels

I Survived the World's Loudest Room

I Survived 50 Hours in Apple Vision Pro

I Tried Airport Sleep Pods

Overnight in the World's Cheapest Hotel